Life lately

It's been a while since I've posted anything that wasn't about a project I'm working on. That's because projects in my new home have been a big focus for me. Though I am still a mom and a wife so I don't spend as much time as I'd like on my projects. I also haven't spent any time on my business Little Mister Threads and have had it on my mind for sometime. It seems like that's just how things go now though. I have so many plans on my mind that I want to do eventually and I never know where to begin. My first priority is always being a mother and wife. My family is most important to me. So if Kennedy is happy, food is ready and the house is decently clean only then do I feel comfortable working on a project. I also try to get Kennedy out of the house most days so that he doesn't get sick of me lol. We have had an awesome summer and checked off a lot if activities! We made it 
- swimming
- camping
- the zoo
- demolition derby
- multiple parades
- carnivals 
- hiking
- museums 
- golfing
- Kansas
- Tahoe 
- river rafting
- car shows
- Oktoberfest 
- and splash pads!
It's been awesome. I only wish Kennedy would remember it in the future. 
Aside from that, I have had some health concerns that were trying to figure out. For a long time I've had a constant stomach pain that every couple of months would just explode to excruciating pain for about 10 minutes. I've been being treating for chronic heart burn which actually has helped the pain a lot but I still experience heart burn so doctors want to do more testing. I had a CT scan and nothing was found so I will now need to get a EGD (endoscopy). Hopefully that will set everything straight. Jesse is doing well at work and Kennedy is growing like a weed. He is the best little boy. He is so smart and such an entertainer. He is definitely his fathers son. Well I think that's all! Until next time :)


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