Java gel stain!!

This post is about my bathroom cabinets I just stained. I am absolutely in love with General Finishes Java Gel Stain. It looks fabulous in my bathroom. I was a little worries about this because my cabinets aren't real wood and I didn't know if they'd take the stain. If you haven't used gel stain before I will tell you it is a lot like paint in it's consistency. Because of this I decided I'd give it a try on my cabinets. Here is a before of them. 
Boring boring cabinets. I first used a degreaser cleaner to clean the cabinets and very lightly sanded them just in case they needed that something extra. I then applied the stain. I liked the messy look of just one coat but you can do more. I let that dry for a day which It definitely needed since this is not real wood it didn't absorb it like would typically happen when staining. After that I applied the polyurethane protection and viola!
I absolutely love it and now I need to try it on the frame around my mirror! 


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