All for good health

So I am always trying to be health conscious as I'm sure many others attempt to do as well. It is so difficult in this day and age to truly eat healthy. At least for me it is. I am an eater! I love food and all kinds of it. I am not picky and therefore it is hard for me to cut back on all the wonderful things. I don't think I could ever do a veggies only diet or anything that really limits the variety of foods I can eat. 
So to be healthy I try to watch my calories and eat home cooked meals as much as possible. Luckily since I don't work we enjoy home cooked meals about 6 days a week (I try to give myself one night off of cooking). What is sad is even with home cooked meals there is still so much crap in our food from processing. I wish it were as simple as not eating out. 
Anyways my goal right now is to quit drinking mountain dew. If you know me then you know this is a big deal. I decided that this will probably help me on my progress with my newly acquired mom belly. Not saying I'm fat so no one get your panties in a wad. I just miss my tight tummy I used to have. With the amount of sugar in Mountain Dew and the one or more I consumed a day I figure this will be a good step. So far I have gone 4 days without it and only had 2 headaches from a lack of it, which I think is pretty awesome. Though I am craving the taste of it something fierce. Hopefully I can keep this up because as much as I love it, I know that I would be much healthier without soda. So everyone wish me luck and don't offer me Mountain Dew because honestly I'm waiting for someone to offer so I can give in haha. If you see me with a Mountain Dew please say something. 


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