10 Months Old!
02/26/2014 is the day Kennedy turned 10 months old.
We went about our day like normal but Kennedy decided he was going to try a bunch of new things today.
After his first nap we decided to go to the part with my best friend Amanda and the little girls she nannys. Kennedy loves being around other people and especially kids so I knew he'd love it. Plus we had to take advantage of the beautiful weather we had.
At the park I took him on the swings which he loved and then we let him play in the wood chips with some trucks and other toys. He was loving digging in the dirt and watching the other kids running around.
Can I just say what a joy it is to watch him explore and learn new things everyday? It is absolutely awesome and I love every minute of it.
Back on track.
We went inside to get the younger girl up from her nap. Kennedy and I waited downstairs. He could hear her talking up the stairs and obviously wanted to go to her. He crawled over to the stairs multiple times and wanted to go up but couldn't figure out how to get his legs up on the stairs. I wanted to help but decided to stand back and watch what he did. After about three tries he came back to the steps and managed to get one leg up on the bottom stair. From there he had it figured out and took off up the stairs. I was shocked that he figured it out so fast. Now maybe this isn't a big deal to some but like I said, I love watching him learn new things and seeing the accomplishment he feels.
Once we were back on the playground there was a cup of water sitting on the bench that Kennedy was holding himself up on. (this was our cup mind you) He started reaching for it and again I thought I'd sit back and see what he did. We were outside so I wasn't worried about a mess. He picked it up on the first try and drank out of it only spilling a few drops. Again I was shocked! I had let him drink out of a plain cup as I held it but never by himself. Again I was so excited!
Later that day at our house I found out I had some bowls with suction cups on the bottom that I didn't know about. I though these would be fun to see how Kennedy handled using a bowl by himself for once. At his high chair I let him drink out of a cup by himself again with little mess. He then took his spoon and started trying to scoop the potatoes out of his bowl by himself and put the spoon in his mouth. Obviously not much food made it to his mouth but the fact that he understood what he was supposed to do to get it there was awesome!
At the end of the day I was so excited and started to ponder all that had happened. I realized that he may have been able to do any of these things sooner if I wasn't so worried about messes or just assuming he needs help. So now I realize that I should always let him try to figure it out before I jump in because he definitely will surprise me. And really who cares about messes when you have a 10 month old? They are inevitable anyways.
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