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Baby Koda's Tribal nursery

As I finished up Koda's room and have everything ready for him, of course I started having lots of contractions. So who knows if this baby is gonna stay in me for another 4 weeks.  I'm so excited to have his nursery done.  Bear with me on the pictures. The paint in the room is dark but a lot of sun is coming in so its hard to capture the room very well. I tried to take enough pictures to make up for that.  This is a view from the door which is really hard to see the whole room from. Those dark blue curtains I made from a heavy material that I got on close out at joanns. They work just as well as blackout curtains and match the room perfect.  Zooming in on this back corner is the chair I reupholstered along with a blanket I made for Koda, nursing pillow from when kennedy was a baby, and some antlers I got half off ($13.50) at hobby lobby. I may paint the tips white or silver instead of gold so that it flows better but it works for now.  This would be the view of you turn to your

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